- Sign in
- Enter your details, like Admit card & roll number.
- Click Predict Seats
Predicted college and seat list is displayed by applying an algorithm on your information entered and last year’s seat allocations.
Yes! You can change your details as many times as you want.
Obviously, it's a "prediction" and results can vary based on number of factors, but we have tried to make it as accurate as possible with previous year's data available.
You can help it become more accurate by inviting friends to use it. More data we have about the crowd performance, more accurate the results.
- Sign in
- Enter your details, like Admit card & roll number.
- Click Predict Seats
Predicted college and seat list is displayed by applying an algorithm on your information entered and last year’s seat allocations.
Yes! You can change your details as many times as you want.
Obviously, it's a "prediction" and results can vary based on number of factors, but we have tried to make it as accurate as possible with previous year's data available.
You can help it become more accurate by inviting friends to use it. More data we have about the crowd performance, more accurate the results.
Here is a sample…