Important Topics |
First 60 Days First Reading |
Last 40 Days
Anatomy |
- Structure of Scalp
- Arterial Supply of Scalp
- Aponeurotic Layer of Scalp
- Facial Muscles
- Muscles of Facial Expression
- Modiolus
- Arterial Supply of Face
- Venous Drainage of Face
- Dangerous Area of Face
- Facial Nerve
- Bell’s Palsy
- Conjunctival Sac
- Zeis Glands
- Nasolacrimal Duct
- Valve of Hasner
- Nerve Supply of Lacrimal Glands
- Orbital Bones
- Muscles of Eye
- Diplopia
- Oculomotor Nerve
- Ophthalmic Nerve
- Eyeball, Cornea
- Ciliary Body
- External Acoustic Meatus
- Middle Ear
- Eustachian Tube
- Auditory Ossicles
- Tympanic Membrane
- Bony Labyrinth
- Nasal Septum
- Para-nasal Sinuses
- Hiatus Semilunaris
- Nasopharynx
- Genioglossus
- Hyoglossus Muscles
- Pterygomandibular Raphe and Space
- Passavant’s Ridge
- Nasopharynx
- Pharyngeal Wall
- Tonsils, Palate in Detail
- Muscles of Pharynx
- Waldeyer’s Lymphatic Ring
- Extrinsic and Intrinsic Muscles of Tongue
- Arterial Supply and Lymphatic Drainage
- Papillae
- Nerve Supply of Tongue
- Ducts, Innervation of Major Salivary Glands
- Cervical Fascia
- All Major Salivary Glands in Detail
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Physiology |
- Thyroid and Parathyroid Gland
- Skeletal Muscles
- Pain Sensation
- Coagulation Factors
- Tetany
- Epinephrine
- Bile
- Nephrons
- Anticoagulants
- Prothrombin time
- Aldosteron
- Hypoxia
- Functions of Kidney
- Cardiac Output
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Biochemistry |
- Glycolysis
- RL Shunt
- Gluconeogenesis
- ETC uncouplers
- Galactose metabolism
- Glycogen and Glycogen Storage Diseases
- Enzymes
- Classification
- Regulation
- Allosteric enzymes or Regulatory enzymes
- Ubiquitin-proteasome pathway
- Amino acids and Proteins
- Polar and Non-polar Amino acids
- Essential and Non-essential Amino acids
- Structures of proteins
- Methods of detection of protein structures
- Transamination & Urea cycle
- 21st amino acid – Selenocysteine
- Metabolism of Tyrosine & Tryptophan
- Maple Syrup Urine disease
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Microbiology |
- Koch’s Postulates
- Types of Flora – Resident & Transient
- Nosocomial Infections
- Periods of Incubation, Infectivity
- Fastigium, Defervescence
- Endemic, Epidemic, Sporadic, Pandemic, Enzootic
- Host-Organism Relation
- Sterilization & Disinfection
- Chemical Methods – Glutaraldehyde,
- Ethylene Dioxide
- Heat Sterilization – Dry & Moist
- Tyndallisation
- Pasteurisation
- Sterilization Control
- Radiation
- Color Coding & Categorization of Waste
- Lyophilization
- Culture Media
- Blood agar
- Culture Media Types
- Hemolytic Bacteria
- Special Media
- Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing
- Immunology
- Major Components of Innate Immune System
- Complement System
- T-Lymphocytes
- Chemotactic Factors
- Phagocytors
- Mediators released
- Interferons
- Immunoglobulins (Detail)
- Epitope, Paratope and Idiotope
- Hypersensitivity Reactions
- Haptens
- Antigen-Antibody Reactions
- Paul-Bunnel Test
- Schick Test, Dick Test, Tuberculin Test,
- Casoni’s Test, Frei’s Test
- Transplant –Grafts
- Active & Passive Immunity
- Adjuvants
- BCG Vaccine, DPT, Vaccination Schedule
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Dental Anatomy |
- Diphyodont
- Heterodont
- Gomphosis
- Universal System
- Palmar Notation
- FDI System
- Fossa, Sulcus
- Groove
- Line Angles and Point Angles
- Tooth Formation
- Initial Calcification
- Order of Eruption
- Eruption Timing of Primary and Permanent Dentition
- Age and No of Teeth present in the Mouth
- Root Completion
- Developmental Grooves and Lobes
- Succedaneous Tooth
- Sequence of Eruption of Primary Teeth
- Mamelons
- Permanent Teeth replacing Primary Teeth
- Faciolingual Diameter
- Differences between Primary and Permanent Dentition
- Pulp Chambers and Root Canals in Deciduous Teeth
- Cervical Bulge
- Greatest and Least Mesiodistal Dimension
- Longest Crown Length
- Smallest Root
- Palatogingival Groove
- Canine Eminence
- Geometric Functional outline of Teeth from Proximal Aspect
- Geometric Outlines of Tooth Crown
- Developmental Groove
- Buccal Convergence
- Difference between Mandibular and Maxillary Premolars
- Largest Permanent Tooth
- Cusp of Carabelli
- Shapes of Occlusal surfaces of Teeth
- Oblique Ridge
- Crest of Contour
- Pulp Horns
- Cingulate
- Proximal Contact Area
- Temporomandibular Joint
- (Disc, TMJ Ligaments, Glenoid fossa,
- Terminal Hinge Axis)
- Electromyography of Muscles of Mastication
- Movement of Jaw and Muscles involved
- Types of Cusps
- Curvatures of Occlusal Planes
- Key to Occlusion
- Mutually Protected Occlusion
- Centric Occlusion
- Lateral Movements
- Bennett Shift
- Embrasures
- Deglutition, Overjet
- Leeway Space of Nance
- Resorption of Primary Teeth
- Stamp Cusps
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Dental Material |
- Composite
- Zinc Oxide Eugenol
- Amalgam
- Hydrocolloid Impression Material
- Zinc Phosphate Cement 6. Alginate
- Porcelain 8. Hardness
- Cold Cure
- Impression Compound
- Heat Cure
- Dentin Bonding Agents, Silicon Impression Material, Denture Base, Gypsum Investment
- Dimensions of Color, Modulus of Elasticity, Creep
- Pickling, Proportional limit
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Oral Pathology |
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Oral Medicine & Radiology |
- Bremsstrahlung Radiation, Properties Of X-Rays, Grids, Heel Effect
- Inverse Square Law, Compton Effect
- Target Material
- Coolidge Tube, Collimation
- Harmful Effects Of Radiation, Dosimetry
- Post Irradiation Mucositis, Radiation Caries
- ALARA, Radiation Hazards
- Composition Of IOPA Films, Grids
- Intensifying Screen, Speed Of Film
- Potter Bucky Diaphragm
- Composition of Developer and Fixer, Processing Errors
- Coin Test, Dark Room Requirements
- Faulty Radiographs, Artefacts
- Film Fog, Cone Cut, Density and Contrast
- Bisecting Angle Technique, Clark’s Rule
- Occlusal Radiographs
- TMJ Views, Maxillary Sinus Views, OPG
- Lateral Oblique View Of Mandible, CT Scan
- Water’s View, PA View
- Bregmamenton View, Submentovertex View
- Sialography, Ultrasound
- Scintigraphy, RVG, Xeroradiography
- Landmarks In IOPA,
- Condensing Osteitis, Line Of Ennis
- Cherubism, Cotton Wool Appearance
- Radiographic Appearance of Malignant Tumors Of Jaw
- Multilocular Radiolucencies
- Soap Bubble Appearance
- Onion Peel Appearance
- Periapical Radiolucency
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Prosthodontics |
Basic Topics |
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Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics |
Basic Topics |
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Oral Surgery |
Basic Topics |
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Public Health Dentistry |
News and latest research topics apart from the general jargon should be well-versed |
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Orthodontics |
Basic Topics |
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Periodontics |
- Consistency, Color
- Stippling
- Keratinization of Gingiva
- Types of Gingiva
- Mucogingival Junction
- Interdental Col
- Gingival Sulcus
- Gingival Groove
- Junctional Epithelium
- Blood Supply to Gingiva
- Types of Cells in Epithelium
- Periodontal Ligament
- (Width, Shape, Fibres)
- Sharpey’s Fibres
- Thixotropic
- Tensional and Viscoelastic Theories
- Alveolar Bone
- Schroeder Classification of Cementum
- Hypercementosis
- Cemental Tears
- Biological Width
- Age Changes in Periodontium
- Elastic Fibre Content with Age
- AAP Classification of Periodontal Diseases (1999)
- Gingival Index, PMA Index, CPITN Index
- Bleeding Point Index
- Periodontal Disease Index, OHI-S
- Biofilm, Types of Dental Plaque
- Pellicle, Material Alba
- Calculus, Formation of Plaque
- Modes of Attachment of Plaque
- Crystals in Calculus
- Specific and Non-Specific Plaque Hypothesis
- Bacterial Microbiology- Predominant Bacteria in Plaque
- Early Colonizers and Secondary Invaders
- Corncob Structures, Coaggregation
- Prevotella Intermedium & A.A.Comitans
- Bacterial Enzymes
- DNA Probes, BANA Test
- Perioscan, Periogard
- Impact of Smoking on Periodontium
- Cytokines, Prostaglandins
- Host Modulation Therapy
- Stages of TFO, Fremitus Test
- Adaptive Re-modelling of Periodontium
- Pathological Migration
- Glickman’s Concept
- Bruxism, Facets
- Occlusal Appliances
- Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Medically Compromised Patients
- Periodontal Therapy In Pregnancy
- Scurvy, Chediak Higashi Syndrome
- Diabetes and Periodontium
- AIDS and Periodontium
- Infective Endocarditis
- Leukemia
- Indications and Contraindications
- Osteoinduction, Osteoconduction
- Osseointegration, Peri-Implantitis
- Gingival Crevicular Fluid
- Measurement and Collection
- Periotron, Periopaper
- Increased GCF
- Effect of Smoking on GCF
- Lugol’s Solution
- Drugs Detected in GCF
- Role of Saliva
- Bleeding on Probing
- Acute and Chronic Gingivitis
- Stages of Gingivitis
- Gingival Recession
- Stillman’s Cleft
- Mccall’s Festoons
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Pedodontics |
- Neonatal Teeth
- Natal Teeth
- Sucking Reflex
- Rooting Reflex
- Startle and Grasp Reflex
- Parachute Reflex
- Shedding of Primary Teeth
- Cognitive Theory
- Operant Theory
- Psychoanalytic Theory
- IQ Range
- Common Phobias
- Frankel Behavior Rating Scale
- Wright’s Classification of Child Behavior
- Pedodontic Treatment Triangle
- Types of Fear
- Behavior Shaping
- Reinforcement
- Tell Show Do
- Modelling
- Desensitization
- Voice Control
- Euphemisms
- Child Appointments
- Oral Habits
- Munchausen Syndrome
- Battered Child Syndrome
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